
Bury Fig Trees for the Winter

By Steven Biggs

You Can Bury a Fig Tree

In the book Grow Figs Where You Think You Can't, I explain how you can overwinter your fig tree outdoors in a cold climate by burying it.

And depending where you live, you might not even need to bury it…sometimes laying it flat to the ground and mulching it heavily is enough.

Why Tip Them Over?

The air temperature fluctuates more — and more often — than the soil temperature. So keeping your fig close to the soil protects it from frequent and extreme temperature swings.

What it Looks Like

Here's what I say in the book:

When it comes to overwintering figs outdoors, the method most people seem to know is burying them. Earlier, I mentioned fig orchards on the outskirts of Paris, France. This is the sort of technique that was used there.

I call it the graveyard method.

I used to bury my lone fig tree, but this method is no longer practicable given the number of trees I have. But don’t discount this method if you haven’t a suitable spot indoors for dormant plants.

If you dig the hole deep enough, you can cover the plant with a layer of soil, although this is overkill in my area. A mulching material suffices here. If in doubt, deeper with more mulching and soil over top will be safer for your fig.

Here’s what you do:

  • Dig a trench on one side of your fig. It should be as long as the tree is tall. Where I live all that is needed is a trench just deep enough to bury it;

  • Tie together the branches once your tree or bush is dormant (this is so you don’t need to dig as wide a hole);

  • About 30 cm (12 inches) from the trunk on the side opposite to your trench, chop down with a spade to sever the roots, which will make it easier to bend over the plant;

  • Bend the plant so it lies in the trench, then weigh it down with something heavy or peg it into place;

  • Fill the trench with a thick layer of mulch, and cover with a tarp (you can cap this with a board and soil for additional insulation if you like).

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