
The Making of a Fig Pig

Inspired to Grow Figs

I never set out to be known for figs. It was an accident.

I never set out to be known for figs. It was an accident.

How did a Toronto guy get bitten by the fig bug?

And end up with a garage full of fig plants every winter?

I learned to love fresh figs in the UK of all places. On a horticulture co-op placement at a nursery specializing in figs. They were potted figs…because the UK is a bit chilly for fig growing.

Back in Canada, I worked in the horticulture industry. I worked as a journalist. I gardened a lot. I dabbled in figs…without a lot of success.


I pitched a magazine article about a “fig fetishish” I’d met near Toronto who had 300 fig varieties.

That fig grower—that fig fetishist—became my fig mentor, Adriano. He walked me through all the steps of growing figs in cold climates. Told me about his favourite varieties. Shared his favourite tips.

He gave me what I needed to know to grow figs in a cold climate.

The magazine article got good feedback.

But even more importantly: I was inspired to master growing figs in cold climates. I was inspired to up my game!

Next generation fig pig

Next generation fig pig

Since then, I’ve connected with fig enthusiasts who share ideas and tips for my fig books, articles, and on my radio show and podcast. There’s a very generous community of cold-climate fig growers out there.

I get to geek out on figs. And I love it.

I hope you do too!

P.S. My favourite thing about growing figs these days? My son Keaton has caught the fig bug.

He is officially a fig-pig-in-training.